Latest Release
The Boy In The Band
By Kerri Lynn
Navigating Love, Life, and Laundry: A Hilarious Journey Through Adulthood's Ups, Downs, and Dirty Socks. Brace for Laughter as Sarah Discovers Growing Up is More Duck than Graceful Swan. The Boy in the Band is a rollicking tale of Sarah, a young woman whose measure of maturity is as shaky as a toddler on roller skates.

Available In Paperback and E-book
The Boy in the Band is a boisterous celebration of the journey to maturity, punctuated by the strength of camaraderie, the excitement of adventure, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. So, pour yourself a cocktail, put your feet up, and prepare to chuckle your way through this uproarious escapade of adult antics. The Boy in the Band isn't just a book-it's a toast to the tumultuous, thrilling, and often hilarious journey that is adulthood.
About The Author
Kerri Lynn
Kerri Lynn, an accomplished healthcare professional, wife, and mother, is a master storyteller with a passion for animals. Born and raised in a vibrant city, she draws inspiration from her roots, weaving experiences from her personal and professional life into her writing. Her tales explore themes of love, friendship, and resilience, characterized by wit, charm, and unapologetic sexiness. When not immersed in medicine or writing, Kerri cherishes time with her family and animals. Her debut novel, The Boy in the Band, marks an exciting new chapter in her life. Connect with Kerri to join her on this literary adventure.
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